color palette

Color experiments with Design Tokens

A little demo site showcasing the usecases for the colors section of design tokens

One color variable to rule them all

Define a base color in the configuration file and tokens will take care of the rest of the colors. ✨Including dark theme✨

Main goal of this was to eliminate the repetition of making light and dark theme colors for each and every project which can get time consuming.

code for config

I don't care about your color preference.

Some sections need to stay in dark/light theme no matter user's preference


I do the exact opposite of what you ask me to.

Well, its possible so just showcasing. Play with color preferences in DevTools to see the effect


I just need some compliments

Complimentary colors are a good way to showcase buttons and other elements which live on the surface.


I either stay black or white

Plain and Simple. Very useful to keep designs minimal